
Showing posts from March, 2022

March is Women's History Month - Last Week

This month we are celebrating Women's History Month. Each week we are providing ideas that can be used in classrooms. Please check out the first March blog to see the interview with a very special D7 lady.  This week we have a few ideas for you to use in your classrooms or share with students.  Ideas for each day this week:  Monday - Latinas' Bicultural Political Engagement and Experiences Tuesday - Women's Suffrage Movement  (video) Wednesday - Maryland Museum of Women's History Thursday - Women in Sports Leadership Friday - African American Women and Civil Rights

March is Women's History Month - Week 2

This month we are celebrating Women's History Month. Each week we are providing ideas that can be used in classrooms.  Yellow Rose Nominations Nominate a friend! You can nominate one of your colleagues for the Yellow Rose Award sponsored by GPHS's Z Club. Click here to make a nomination. Kids can nominate, too. Share the link with them. Nominations are due March 11, so don't delay.  Women in History Posters By now the women in history posters should be in your schools, so keep on the lookout for those hung in places where kids can see them.  The March Blog With an Inspiring Interview If you haven't read the blog or seen the video interview with Sherry Ely, you can check it out here --very inspiring! Activities Flash Judgment Activity. Here is a Google Slide of a flash judgment activity. Have students (and us). Thanks to the District Equity Team for putting this together.  Daily Week Two Ideas Monday: Celebrate Women's History Tuesday : Explore Biographies Wednesd...

March is Women's History Month - Let's Celebrate!

March is Women's History month and we have so much to celebrate! The month's designation is specifically to honor all the ways that women have been influencers, overcome discrimination, and been foundational in improving the world.  For this month's blog, we are showcasing one of our very own who has been an instrumental part of the success of our school district for decades! Ms. Sherry Ely is our Chief Finance and Operations Officer, and she oversees all of finances, budgeting, facilities, food service, maintenance, safety, and transportation--truly incredible. Check out her interview here . How you can engage in celebrating women this month First of all, do something for your mom. I know Mother's day is in May, but your mom deserves a ton of credit for not only bringing you into this world, she most likely was your primary caregiver, shaping who you are.  There are lots of resources out there, but take a few minutes to see what the National Women's History Museum ...