March is Women's History Month - Let's Celebrate!

Women's History Month graphic
March is Women's History month and we have so much to celebrate! The month's designation is specifically to honor all the ways that women have been influencers, overcome discrimination, and been foundational in improving the world. 

For this month's blog, we are showcasing one of our very own who has been an instrumental part of the success of our school district for decades! Ms. Sherry Ely is our Chief Finance and Operations Officer, and she oversees all of finances, budgeting, facilities, food service, maintenance, safety, and transportation--truly incredible. Check out her interview here.

How you can engage in celebrating women this month

First of all, do something for your mom. I know Mother's day is in May, but your mom deserves a ton of credit for not only bringing you into this world, she most likely was your primary caregiver, shaping who you are. 
There are lots of resources out there, but take a few minutes to see what the National Women's History Museum has for us:
  • Women's History (see biographies, articles, and online exhibits) 
  • Check out their vast resources site
  • They are producing 6 separate events in March that we can participate in
  • There are a bunch of education resources here.
  • Create a space in your classroom, breakroom, and office area to highlight women in history.
  • Think about ways to incorporate women in history into daily lessons.  
  • There are quite a few YouTube videos available that highlight Women's History Month. Preview ones that look interesting to share with your students. 

Week One Ideas

Tuesday: Discover the history behind Women's History Month

Wednesday: Explore biographies

Thursday: Explore the online exhibit, First but Not Last.

Friday: Learn more about women's history by virtually visiting the Women's Hall of Fame.  

Have a good idea or student engagement strategy? Leave it in the comments section below for others to learn and grow. 

We are GP Strong!


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